Older news items are here. It's just a pile of updates copy-pasted here - I'm working on it.
- 31 December 2024 - Happiest of New Year's wishes to you all! I was trying to do a stream, but my Internet connection kept dropping, so I hope everyone is able to celebrate safely and have a good time while counting down the minutes to the new year.
- 24 December 2024 - I was prepping for a stream and my Internet went down. I don’t know if it’ll come back by 18:00 US Eastern Time, but I’m working on it and will stream tonight if things come together!
- 18 December 2024 - I've reached Twitch Affiliate! I am currently looking into emotes and rewards, so please stop by to visit and see how that's going.
- 10 December 2024 - Twitch has put out the Yearly Recap - please check it out! I just started streaming in late August, and I'm really happy so many people came by and enjoyed! I'm going to keep trying to make it better and better every day!
- 7 December 2024 - My streaming schedule is starting to clarify as I progress through training at the new job, so I will be updating my Twitch "Next Stream" schedule from week to week. I'm still working on other things, so my apologies as I work to get the YouTube VODs replaced with working audio, and get back to recording videos of the series. As well, the Storytime recordings have been on hold.
- 30 November 2024 - I've extend the "pause" until 2 December, at least, for streaming and uploading to YouTube while I continue to work at the new job, as I'm working to make ends meet. My apologies and thanks for your patience.
- 25 November 2024 - I've had to extend my hold on scheduled streaming and YouTube videos until at least December 2nd. To make ends meet I've gotten a job and am going through training right now, so my schedule is a bit ad-hoc and not conducive to scheduling things. Once things have settled down, I'll repost schedules on Twitch and YouTube.
- 4 November 2024 - Scheduled streams are on hold until 18 November. Many apologies, but I have some other things that need urgent attention and time. My schedule on Twitch has been updated. I may still do spontaneous streams between then and now, but they will be limited.
- 29 October 2024 - "Storytime with Ennhuite" will be going live tonight (well, technically tomorrow/the 30th) at midnight US Eastern Time with it's premiere episode, including readings of Cinderella, Fundevogel, The Fisherman and His Wife, and The Raven. More episodes are coming on a weekly/biweekly basis (depending on time and availability)!
- 26 October 2024 - Feeling better after ~12 hours of sleep and many, many gallons of coffee and water, having a Minecraft marathon to make up for it. https://www.twitch.tv/ennhuite - starts at 14:00 US Eastern Time.
- 25 October 2024 - Today's stream is cancelled - I have a sinus headache so bad I can't think right, and it just won't settle down. Many apologies, I'll make it up this weekend if I'm able.
- 17 October 2024 - Updated Streaming schedule to include new Saturday Minecraft session, so every week has three Stardew streams and three Minecraft streams. We're at 40 followers of 50 needed to make it to Affiliate - if you are not following, please do. If you know anyone who would like our streams and has a Twitch account, please let them know.
- 15 October 2024 - It's the middle of the month, so please help us keep bills paid with the donation links on the sidebar (if you're on desktop), or below this body text (if you're on phone). I have just finished receiving feedback for the Storytime Podcast, and will be making episodes available later this week. More YouTube videos are also in the works. Much more is coming - but please help us keep the bills paid.
- 10 October 2024 - Hurricane Milton has left the vicinity, and we aren't unhappy about it. The Stream Manager has made her rounds and pronounced everything usable and ready to go. Stream will be live today.
- 8 October 2024 - Our headquarters, where the Stream Manager patrols, is in the current path of Hurricane Milton, but I will have an online stream today. Milton is scheduled to reach here tomorrow late day, so I might not be online tomorrow, all depending on the situation. If the hurricane still maintains it's blatant disregard for streaming schedules, we may also be offline on Thursday, or even longer - but until Thursday comes, we won't know for sure. Please stay tuned, and, if you're in an affected area, please stay safe. Updates will be posted here.
- 2 October 2024 - Storytime has been updated with further information, and more links back to this site have been fixed. I'm continuing to monitor and fix them as they make themselves known - please report any more on the Discord if you find them. Also - YouTube videos have gotten delayed by all the other work being done - I will be making up for that very shortly. Thank you for your patience.
- 1 October 2024 - I've been made aware that the links in YouTube video descriptions have been loading "Not Found" pages. Which means I broke something in the site migration and updating. D'oh! I've added a fix to the website to auto-redirect to the correct links, and will be correcting the links over time. Thank you, MrsSponge1212, for letting me know!
- 30 September 2024 - Weekend things done to make improvements:
- New Stream times active today: 18:00-22:00 US Eastern.
- Discord is active. Please see the YouTube or Twitch pages for links.
- Storytime stories are being recorded - please stay tuned with the Storytime menu item.
- The website has been updated to allow for redesigns - I think everything is copied over. I'm going back over the export to make sure.
- Today is the last day of the month. If you can, please donate with Ko-Fi or Patreon and help me keep working on things.
- 28 September 2024 - a few changes coming next week - starting 30 September:
- Stream times will move to later in the evening - starting at 18:00 US Eastern Time, ending 22:00.
- Discord server being turned active, with accompanying links available for joining in Twitch chat and YouTubes.
- Storytime podcast coming - starting with Grimm Fairy Tales.
- Possible second podcast/sister podcast coming - with Sherlock Holmes, Edgar Allen Poe, and other readings.
- Working on necessary redesigns to website to accommodate links to donations, podcasts, and Discord in a side-bar of all pages.
- 17 September 2024 - I apologize for the bluntness, but we're coming to the end of the month and I need help making rent and paying bills. If you can donate anything, please do - I have a Ko-Fi and a Patreon for one-off tips/donations, as well as recurring subscriptions. I'm working on improving the streams on Twitch and videos posted on YouTube, and adding Ko-Fi/Patreon member-only benefits, and continued housing so helps in this endeavor. Please check out my YouTube (and subscribe) and my Twitch (and follow), the more I can grow each, the more I can create content that is entertaining. Thank you for reading.
- 15 September 2024 - I'm back from our trip, and going to have a surprise stream (🎉Surprise!🎉) today. My new schedule is posted on my Twitch schedule page, as well as on the Streaming page.
- 9 September 2024 - I will not be streaming on Thursday, 12 September, through Monday, 16 September - back on Tuesday, 17 September. My brother and I planned a trip MONTHS ago, and this weekend we got the reminder that it's coming up soon. I tried to set up some reruns on Twitch, but I'm not Affiliate yet, so I don't see many of the options that any instructions display. My apologies for the gap. YouTube videos are scheduled for release during that time. Many thanks to my viewers and chatters and those who like and comment on YouTube - we still need more. Please tell a friend, I greatly appreciate it. Most of the time away will probably be spent with a notebook, brainstorming ways to change and improve. I'd like to say I'm joking, but that's what I'll probably be doing.
- 6 September 2024 - I've been streaming on Twitch/posting on YouTube for almost a month now, and I'm contemplating a change in the lineup based on reactions and viewership numbers. I haven't decided how this will change things, but please let me know in a stream chat or in a comment in a video your thoughts. Also: Stardew Valley Progress and Minecraft Progress pages are being updated after every stream.
- 5 September 2024 - I'm creating a YouTube playlist for each games' Twitch VOD on my YouTube channel. Videos will get uploaded to YouTube and become available ~20 days after they've been streamed on Twitch. But the transfer is taking time, so please be patient with me as I wait for the machines to finish processing each video. (When things are running fast, it's taking about an hour and a half to churn through each hour of video.) My earliest streams of Stardew Valley are already transferred and available on YouTube, many thanks for the Likes and Comments!
- 30 August 2024 - I've started creating additional pages under the Home > Games menu to show progress and status, starting with a Minecraft page. More pages will come as I can collect screenshots and other interesting bits and bobs. Many thanks to the viewers and chatters during these streams! Edit: Added Stardew Valley Progress.
- 21 August 2024 - Twitch streaming is now regular - please come by and follow me! I'm working to become an Affiliate, and more follows/views are all appreciated! Streaming page is fully updated.
- 17 August 2024 - Pages added for game mods, under the "Home" menu above - Home > Games. All mods listed are linked to either Steam Workshop or a trusted third-party mod home. Also updated schedule for Twitch streaming.
- 15 August 2024 - I'm trying to stream on Twitch at least three days a week. Not everything is set up yet, so I'm streaming and testing things while I work out how StreamElements works.
- 14 August 2024 - two playlists completed for games are available on YouTube. I've started streaming on Twitch, but only to work out some bugs. More announcements forthcoming, as things develop.
- 9 August 2024 - Videos, Streaming, and Podcasting pages posted.
- 5 August 2024 - I've started recording YouTube Videos (available here), and I'm working on one video a day. I may increase to two videos a day, depending on how these go. Please remember to like, subscribe, and comment! 😁