Welcome to the Half a Pound of Pixels website!
I'm Ennhuite, and I create Let's Play videos and streams, and the Storytime podcast. Please check the top-bar links in the upper right, (if you're on desktop,) or in the pop-out menu in the upper right, (if you're on a phone or tablet.)
This coming week's schedule is:
All times US Eastern (note: end times are subject to change, as I tend to go over):
- Monday (17th) No Stream
- Tuesday (18th) No Stream
- Wednesday (19th) Stardew Valley - 18:00-22:00
- Thursday (20th) Minecraft - 18:00-22:00
- Friday (21st) Oxygen Not Included - 18:00-22:00
- Saturday (22nd) No Stream
- Sunday (23rd) RimWorld - 18:00-22:00
Recent Updates:
- NEW - 18 February - Testing continues on the site replacement and is coming along nicely. Taxes... They scare me, so they're still warming the bench.
- 7 February 2025 - Tax time is upon the Americans, so I've been divided between prepping for that and building a new test site to see how I could replace this clunker. The work is slow, but so far it's rather pleasing.
- 27 January 2025 - I've been working on behind-the-curtain optimizations for streaming lately, trying to get things working better - so apologies for the lack of updates lately. YouTube and the Storytime Podcast are still on semi-hiatus as I continue to make sure that basic expenses of life are covered. I am also working on improving this website and the data structures behind it. Streaming is still happening. Many thanks for coming by and reading this!
- 12 January 2025 - Tonight's stream is starting now - at 19:00 US Eastern Time!
I started a transfer of files off of my computer to free up space for things about seven hours ago, and I just got everything to wrap up through harsh glares and judicious use of the "Move File" and "Cancel" buttons.
Older news items can be found here.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
-- Ennhuite